Month: November 2015

About Me…

Hello and welcome to my blog! For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Matthew Robinson and I am a first year student at Santa Clara University. Since you have taken the time to check out my blog, I will tell you a little bit about myself. I grew up in the bay area and loved it so much that I decided to stay close-by for college. I play guitar and I like to snowboard when our beautiful California weather permits. I am interested in business and technology and am enrolled in the Leavey School of Business at SCU. Over the next few months, this blog will catalogue my research and academic writing. However, ideally it will be more than just a digitized bulletin board. I see this as an opportunity for me to engage in personal and communicative writing and through this process I hope to further my understanding of both purpose and audience. Ultimately, my goal is to build a living and evolving representation of my educational process.